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Competition news


The 13th Filder Pokal is behind us and we are still totally thrilled about this competition weekend. Once again, all of us together - the athletes, coaches, spectators, judges and the organization team - have shown how great our sport is and how well it can be presented. So a big thank you goes out to all of you!
We have rarely experienced such an atmosphere over an entire weekend. What went down on Sunday is a rarity for a competition. Perhaps you could organize videos and send them to us, especially of how the judges walked in at the end. That was certainly one of many highlights.
Every year we think about whether it is really worth the effort behind such an event. We slept on it three times and the result is clear: yes! We will try to be there for you again next year. As soon as the dates for 2025 have been decided, we will look for a date when as few associations as possible are on vacation. We want to continue to improve, so we will soon be sending out a survey where you can give us tips on what was good and what was less good. Of course, you can already send us your opinion via social media, websites, articles or messages. We are grateful for any feedback.
The results were already online. Now we have also made them available as a PDF. Online and in the PDF the judges are included, so that the result lists can also be used as proof of qualification.

With this in mind: "We think that was .... SPITZE!"

Schedule and judges panels ready

The schedules and the judges have now been finalized. On Sunday, we decided to add a second qualification round (semi-final) similar to the CoP in the three female competition classes, which have a large number of participants. This will make the already long day even longer. However, in the interests of fairness, we think it is appropriate for the large fields of participants. We have also decided not to have a general warm-up in favor of three shorter warm-up blocks. In this way, we hope to do fair to all athletes. We are aware that it will be a very long competition day. However, for various reasons, we were unable to set up a third judging panel. You can find all information at Registration.

Schedule, judges panel, competition cards

The first schedule for the elite competition has been finalized. For the basic competition, we are still working out how we can plan the schedule to everyone's satisfaction. Accordingly, only the judges for Saturday have been allocated so far. Competition cards (elite) and a document for the compulsory exercises (basic) are also available. Please send the completed competition cards/compulsory lists by e-mail to wettkampfkarte@filder-pokal.de by Tuesday, 18.06.24. Cancellations can also be entered in the compulsory lists.
You can find all information at Registration.

Record: 280 registered participants

Wow, wow, wow! The Filder Pokal has more entries than ever before. With 280 registered, more athletes want to take part in our competition than ever before. Unfortunately, the entries are a little unevenly distributed (elite: 94, basic: 186). This will present us with time challenges on Sunday. However, we are confident that we will be able to create a schedule that suits all athletes, to all the athletes. However, this will take a few more days, also because we unfortunately still have to look for judges. We will inform you as soon as possible.
The entry result is available at Sporttech.io.

Shortly before the closing date: Filder Pokal full

The Filder Pokal 2024 is filled. With an outstanding entry result of over 260 participants, all places at the Filder Pokal have been allocated. There are still places available on Saturday. You can of course still put your athletes on the waiting list and we will see if we can place them. We are working at full speed to provide you with the entry lists, schedules and judges' assignments as soon as possible. If you still want to order T-shirts, you can do so until the end of the week. The catering offer can also still be ordered.
We are looking forward to a great Filder Pokal here in Ostfildern!

Small contingent of overnight stays

Due to the tight hotel situation as a result of the European Football Championships, we looked around for other options. We were actually able to create a small overnight accommodation capacity at a neighboring nursing school. This means that we can now offer a mattress dormitory in two seminar rooms. Catering (breakfast, dinner) can be provided in the gym on request. If you are interested, please contact us immediately by email. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. We calculate with low costs for the overnight stay (probably 15€/person, 7€/person dinner on Friday, 6€/person breakfast in the sports hall).

Updating the directives

We have adapted the directives in a number of small parts. For the age groups 2007 and older there will now be a minimum difficulty requirement for the elite competition. In addition, there is a maximum difficulty value for the same age group in the basic competition that must not be exceeded. All details can be found in the directives.

Directives are ready, registration is open

The directives for this year's Filder Pokal are now available. There have not been many changes compared to previous years. The requirements for the age groups have remained the same. One new feature this year is that catering will be available on Friday and Saturday evening. This must be booked with the registration. We also offer a T-shirt for the event, which must also be ordered directly when registering. We are looking forward to welcoming many participants.


The Filder Pokal enters its 13th edition: it will take place on June 22/23, 2024. Save the date today. The directives will be published at the beginning of 2024. Most likely, it will remain the same with an elite competition and a basic competition. We are looking forward to welcome you again next year!



Schedule, judges panel and competitors list available

More information for the Filder Pokal is now available online. At Registration you can find the current schedule and the planned judges pandel. In addition, the competition card can be downloaded. The entry list is also available.

A record number of entries for the 12th edition

Today ended the registration deadline of the 12th Filder Cup. In 2023 we can announce a record registration result. On both days, more than 260 athletes want to participate in the Filder Pokal. In the elite competition there are a little more than 100 athletes and then on Sunday more than 150. This is far above our previous registration results. We are very pleased that our competition is so well received. We will take it as an incentive to become even better than in previous years.

In the next few days we will compile the entries of the competition classes, schedules and lists of judges. Also the registration confirmations will be sent out if it has not been done yet. We are looking forward to the first weekend in July in Ostfildern!

Directives are online

The directives of the 12th Filder Pokal on 01/22 July 2023 are now online. There were no changes compared to the previous years. The divisions of the classes remain the same and also the minimum compulsory exercises are as in previous years also. The registration form is available now. Entries can be accepted. Please note that we have limited the maximum number of participants on each day to 110.

SAVE-THE-DATE: 12. Filder Pokal scheduled for 2023

Shortly after this year's Filder Pokal, the organizing committee got together. After the successful organization after two years break, it was quickly agreed that the Filder Pokal should go into the 12th round. We will stay at our traditional place at the beginning of July. Therefore the competition will take place on the weekend of 01./02.07.2023. More information will follow at the beginning of the year. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Two days Filder Pokal successfully completed

The 11th Filder Pokal is history. On two days almost 200 athletes competed for placings, qualification points and cups. On both days, the spectators could enjoy trampoline sports at highest level. The organization ran smoothly and the schedule could be kept. So all participants, coaches and judges came home on time. The Thank You at this point is for all the clubs that participated, the athletes who showed great performances and always remained fair sportsmanship, the judges who evaluated the athletes on both days and last but not least to the many helping hands of the trampoline department and the trampolinists' support association.
We are absolutely committed to hosting the competition again next year. The date is set internally must now be coordinated with the official entities. In a few weeks hopefully it will be announced.
The results of the competition are available online in Sporttech.io as well as PDFs on our results page. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Further information about the Filder Pokal

The planning is progressing. We have finished the registration lists. The schedules are ready and also the judges are ready. You can find all documents under the tab registration.

Registration is closed: great registration result

The registration deadline for this year's Filder Pokal is over. We have a great registration result with a little more than 200 participants on both days. We are very happy about the great response. We are now preparing the schedules and judges. Soon we will publish the entry lists. Everything can be found on our homepage.

Der Filder Pokal 2022 will take place

After a long discussion, we have decided to hold the Filder Pokal again in 2022. It will be held in the old manner with an elite competition and a basic competition. We hope for many participants, so that our investments pay off. The directives are ready and the registration is possible now.
We are looking forward to welcoming many participants in Ruit after two years of abstinence!

About the competition

Where we came from

We started eight years ago with a small competition directed to trampoline athletes not being able to compete on a championship level. Our goal was to offer a competition to these athletes on a quality standard of a big championship tournament.

Two years after the launch our national federation asked for opening the competition to elite competitors including qualification possibility to national and international championships. Since than we arrange a two days competition for both athletes groups.

What We Offer

The highest quality in organizing and executing a competition is our goal. We offer the best in the technical equipment, schedule, and environment as food and beverage.

First time in the history of the Filder Pokal we offer an international competition for elite trampoliners compatible to FIG regulations. Still, we stand for the initial purpose of the competition: allow non championship competitors to participate at an competition with high class organisation.

Competition news (archive)

Cancellation of the 11th Filder Pokal 2020

After a long struggle we had to decide with a heavy heart to cancel this year's Filder Pokal. We had a promise from the community and the club that we could have held the competition. Also a live stream was already prepared and sponsors for the technology were found. But since the training is still very limited at the majority of the clubs, a competition too close to the summer holidays does not seem to make sense. In addition, the qualification criteria for the German Championships and the national squads have been adjusted so that even our top athletes do not have to rely on this competition. Therefore we could not expect a sufficiently large number of participants. Together with the hygiene regulations, the financial risk was too high in the end. We would have liked to have contributed to offering the trampoline athletes a goal for the second half of the year through a competition. But this year, like so many others, we have to back out.
We are determined to return next year. We hope to announce the date for 2021 shortly. To this end, we are in close contact with the responsible committees in order to coordinate the general conditions, such as qualification possibilities. Stay healthy. See you again in 2021 in Ostfildern!

Filder Pokal 2020 defies Corona

Slowly, there are signs of relaxation in the time of the Corona regulations. In the meantime, club sport is also profiting from these relaxations. We are carefully optimistic that after the summer holidays more and more normality has taken hold. This is of course also connected with the hope that athletes have had enough time to get back into shape after the forced break of several months and are sufficiently prepared for a competition.
We are currently planning to continue to organise our competition. The prerequisite for this is the basic permission to hold such sports events. Furthermore, the hygiene concept must not restrict us too much. Furthermore, it is important that we also receive the appropriate support from the associations, for example to be able to offer qualifications. Only if all basic conditions are right and we find enough participants in the end, we can offer the competition in the usual form.
In the coming weeks we will announce the necessary registration formalities. The announcement has been finished a long time ago.

Filder Pokal 2020 scheduled

After some discussions during the date finding we have now fixed the date for the 11th Filder Pokal. Due to various reasons we will move our competition into the second half of the year for the first time. On 26th and 27th September 2020 we invite you to Ostfildern/Ruit. The competition will take place as usual on two days, with the division into elite and base. The directives will be published shortly.

All videos of the 10th Filder Pokals 2019 online

From now on all videos of the Filder Cup 2019 are online on Youtube. For each competition class and judging panel there was one Playlist created. All exercises can be found here:

Filder Pokal 2019 with historical event, results online

This year the Filder Cup 2019 was successfully held on the first weekend of June. On two days the spectators saw impressive routines. The highlight of the competition was certainly the new German record of difficulty set by Matthias Pfleiderer. With 17.8 points, he showed a difficulty that no other German trampoline gymnast has shown before him in an official competition. The previous record of 17.2 points lasted 17 years. It was held by Markus Kubicka, who was also present in the arena and congratulated the new record holder immediately. The rest of the competition was also of high quality and the spectators saw trampoline gymnastics at a high level.

On the second day the junior gymnasts and those who cannot meet the higher compulsory requirements also showed great performances. In all competition classes the places on the podium were very competitive. On sunday, the youngest athletes were certainly the highlight of the day. For many it was the first competition. But you could tell how ambitious they were and how much fun they had. The youngest participant was five years old and the second youngest actually won the Bambinis competition.

Even though the competition took place a month earlier this year than usual, the Weather God meant "good" to us again. Once again we had the hottest weekend until this day. In spite of high temperatures we were able to keep the usual standard during the competition. Especially the schedule was not only kept, but could be completed faster than planned. All in all it was a successful anniversary of the Filder Cup.

Many participants wanted to know immediately whether there will be a next edition of the Filder Cup in 2020. We don't agree on that yet, because the effort to make such a level happen is not only high, but also cost-intensive. We will soon be informing you whether and if so, how things will continue for us.

All results of this year's Filder Cup were already available online during the competition. We have now also made the results available as a PDF file. You can find them under Results.

Registration deadlin is over - more than 200 participants

The registration deadline is over and the entry lists are ready. This year we can look forward to more than 200 registered competitors. On both days we will see a great field of athletes. All information like schedule, judges and entry list can be found under registration.

Filder Pokal 2019 directives finished

We have finished the directives for the FiLDer Cup. After the FIG has defined new routines for 2019, we will allowe the new routines as well as the routines valid until 2018 this year. The only limitation is that for W17 we won't take into account any difficulty and for FIG A we will only take into account two elements in difficulty. Otherwise there will be no changes compared to last year.

Filder Pokal 2019

The Filder Pokal goes into its tenth round. We will also organise the competition in Ostfildern in 2019. On 01st/02nd of June the cup will be awarded again on two days. There will be an elite and a basic competition in proven manner. The directives will follow shortly.

Pictures of the Filder Pokal available

Now all pictures of the Filder Pokal 2018 are online and available for everyone. Many thanks to Martin Rulsch from Wikimedia, who took the pictures, processed them and categorized them in a laborious way! The pictures are available here.

Schedule, judges panel, competitors

All information like schedule, competitors and judges panel can be found at registration.

Registration possible

As of now the regsitration to the 9th Filder Pokal 2018 ist possible. Registration can only be done via our registration form. egistration deadline is May, 22nd 2018. A maximum number of 160 athletes each day will be allowed to register.

Directives ready

The directives of the 9th 9. Filder Pokal on June, 30th, until July, 1st, is ready. Registrations can be send from February on.

9th Filder Pokal will take place, date fixed

The Filder Pokal will take place in 2018 as well. The ninth competition will be held from June, 30th, until July, 1st, in Ostfildern/Ruit. The mode will be the same as last years: on Saturday the elite competitions and on Sunday the basis competitions. We also plan a Team Challenge at the end of day two. The directives will be published soon.

All results online

All result of the 8th Filder Pokals are now not only online via Sportstech.io available, but also as PDF. At reuslts you can download all files.

All results online

All result of the 8th Filder Pokals are now not only online via Sportstech.io available, but also as PDF. At reuslts you can download all files.

Schedule and judges panel finalized

The judges panels for all competitions and the schedule is now finalized. You can find the lists at Registration

Judges panel complete

The judges panels for all competitions are now complete. You can find the lists at Registration


After registration deadlin the schedule is available. You can find it at Registration.There you can find the link to the registration list.

Registration closed

The registration deadline is reached. No registration can be performed via the online form from now on. We still have free spots for competitors. If you want to compete at the Filder Pokal, feel free to write a mail to "info (at) filder - pokal (dot) de" with your registration request.

Registration deadline extended

We have decided to extend the registration deadlin by one week. New deadline ist May, 29th, end of the day.

Compulsory routines descriptions complemented

We complemented the description of the compulsory routines of the Basis competition. The routines can be find here.

Registration form online, you can apply for the competition

The registration form is online- thanks to your partner trampolinescores.com. You can apply for the competition right as of now. Please note, initially you have to register your club. Afterwards you will get a link to the registration form to your specified email address. Accommodation packages and tickets to the evening event have to be book via the form as well. We only offer a limited contingent. Don't hesitate to contact the organizing committee if you're having any problems or questions regarding the registration process.

Technical problems contact form

Due to technical problems no mails were sent which were entered via the contact form although a success message was displayed. Please sent requests made via the contact form once again so that we can answer.

8th Filder Pokal directives

The directives of the FIlder Pokal 2017 is ready. Since we're waiting for changes on the part of federations, the directive is not final in terms of age groups and compulsory exercises. All other information is final. Shortly, we'll offer accommodation packages which can be booked with the registration. The registration of the Filder Pokal 2017 will be opened in February.

8th Filder Pokal is scheduled

The Filder Pokal will be executed in 2017 as well. On the first weekend of July we invite the trampoline family to take part at the cup in Ostfildern nearby Stuttgart. We are happy to welcome athletes, coaches and judges on the 1st and 2nd of July 2017. This year the cup is announced international and we're looking forward to see athletes from Europe or maybe further away. The directives will be written soon and published on this web site within a short time. All information can be find here or at our Facebook site (www.facebook.de/TrampTBR). Please feel free to contact us for further information via mail (info(a)filder-pokal.de) or let us know if you want to be put onto our newsletter.

Filder Pokal 2016 Video

Nach längerer Zeit gibt es mal wieder eine kurze Zusammenfassung unseres Wettkampfes. Ein Dank geht an TW Entertainment für die Zusammenstellung des Films.